大姐頭的英文集 感覺很有用 在此與大家分享
1. last, but not least 最後但不是不重要
Thank you for your applause for our new Board of Directors.
And now Last, but not least, please welcome the new president of our company, Joe Dover.
2. long shot 成功希望不大的嘗試
I'm going to ask the boss to give me a week off.
I'll even tell him that I'll work at night. It's a long shot but I'm going to try.
3. make or break 要不然就成功、要不然就失敗
Like a CEO, our future president should understand that developing good judgment and encouraging it in others can make or break his or her future.
4. spilt hairs為瑣事爭辯、吹毛求疵
We're not going to split hairs over that. It's a waste of time.
5. the ball's in your court球在你手上了,決定權在你
If you don't start performing your job properly, I'll have no choice but to let you go. The ball's in your court.
- Aug 21 Thu 2008 12:59
大姐頭的英文集 一