1. 每年四月到六月都是生意淡季。
〔誤〕The light season is from April to June every year.
〔正〕The slack season is from April to June every year.
「淡」在英語中有幾種說法,像light就用來表示light wine, light cigarette等。但是淡茶就要用weak tea來表達了。而淡季當然也不是用light season來表示,而是slack season或是low season ,而旺季的英文就是high season。英文裡這種字和字之間的配對有一定的規則,沒有什麼道理,是所謂的collocation(搭配)。
2. 這可是件大事啊!
〔誤〕This is a big thing!
〔正〕This is important! 或 This is an important issue!
大事在中文的意義上指的是大事情、重要的事情,英文上其實只要用important就可以清楚表達出意思來了。當然,也可以用big issue來表示。若是用big thing,則會讓人誤以為你在說一個體積大的東西。
3. 該停機檢查故障了。
〔誤〕It is time that we stop the machine and find the trouble.
〔正〕It is time we stopped the machine and found the trouble.
it is time that...表示「是......的時候了」,其後的從句應採用過去時態。譬如,小孩子睡覺的時間到了,就是It's time that children went to bed.
4. 這個東西擺哪裡?
〔誤〕Where do you put this?
〔正〕Where does this go?
「這個東西擺哪裡?」這個句子在職場上、生活上常用到。當你的孩子或同事把東西拿出來時,又沒有物歸原處時,你想要問這個東西原本應該放在哪裡,你直覺會想到Where do you put this?這純粹是中文思惟下的產物,但是美國人是不這麼說的,他們會說Where does this go?
5. 適當保持低調是維護好的公眾形象的竅門。
〔誤〕To keep an adequately low tone is a tip to maintain good public impression.
〔正〕To be adequately low-keyed is a tip to maintain good public impression.
tone指的是「音調」或「語氣」。如:The teacher always speaks in a high tone.(老師總是拉開嗓門說話);He spoke in a tone of command.(他以命令的口吻說話)。而「低調」是不張揚的意思,應用low-keyed 或low-key,或者low profile都是。如:The wedding is very low-keyed.(婚禮辦得很低調)。The actor keeps a low profile in private.(那個演員在私人生活上保持低調)。
6. 麻煩,我要茶。喔不,換咖啡好了。
〔誤〕I'll have tea, please. Oh, no. Change to coffee.
〔正〕I'll have tea, please - Oh, no, make that coffee.
7. 不要再費口舌了。
[誤] Don't waste your efforts again.
[正] Save your breath.
我們都知道breath的意思是「呼吸」,save one's breath 就是省省你的呼吸,說話的進行就是在我們的一呼一吸之間,因此要人不要浪費口舌就是省省呼吸。有時也被說成 save one's energy,它對應的中文還可以是「白費力氣」。
那麼「白費心思」用英語來說就是 bother one's head for nothing。
8. 這是個口誤。
[誤] It is an oral mistake!
[正] It is a slip of the tongue!
一談到「誤」你一定想到mistake,這是中文的直覺。所以「口誤」,你會說oral mistake 。這麼說,外國人當然也會聽懂,但是就不地道了。「口誤」其實是 slip of the tongue(舌頭滑了一下),表示不小心說出來了,說錯了!
- Sep 09 Tue 2008 12:09